hsmfile: a Python module to expedite access to files on a slow network volume


This module addresses the common case where there are large data files on a supercomputer and these are to be processed, maybe on the supercomputer or maybe on local machines that can mount the supercomputer file system. The hsmfile module provides functions to

It is based on a set of IDL functions with a similar purpose with the prefix mgh_san.


Install from Conda-Forge with the conda package manager

conda install -c conda-forge hsmfile

Install from PyPI with PIP:

pip install hsmfile

Clone the GitHub repository and install with PIP in developer mode:

git clone https://github.com/hadfieldnz/hsmfile.github
pip install -e hsmfile

Or better still, fork your own copy on GitHub and clone that. This way, you can maintain your own improvements and bug fixes and optionally contribute them to the main repository.

User customisation

The hsmfile module exposes a dictionary named volume, with each entry defining an hsmfile volume as described below. During initialisation, the dictionary is created with one entry, pointing to the user’s home directory. However at the end of the initialisation process, the module attempts to read and execute Python code from a configuration file, ~/.hsmfilerc.py. This provides an opportunity for defining further volumes.


The present user customization mechanism is insecure, as it involves executing arbitrary Python code. It will shortly be changed to one that reads volume definitions from a configuration file using the configparser module.